Know-how as added value

Quality as a standard to maintain

Taking into account the fact that the quality of the finished product is linked to the quality of the beans, Cameroon’s cocoa cultivation is done to meet sanitary and phytosanitary requirements.

We put all our efforts into obtaining quality beans by raising awareness among our producers about good harvesting, drying and packaging practices.

What we offer

Our products

Cocoa bean

Cocoa butter

Cocoa powder

Empowerment of farmers

Imperfect management of humidity throughout the supply chain (example: when cocoa is stored when it is not completely dry or when cocoa is stored in inappropriate conditions), can cause cocoa is discounted due to its bitterness and astringency.

To prevent these problems, we rely on training on good drying practices put in place to raise awareness among our partners about optimal management of their practice of drying and storing their harvests.